Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Root Is The Problem

Trees are nice. They provide shade. They make noise when the wind blows. They give squirrels a place to scamper. They add beauty to the landscape. In general, I like trees, altho not the squirrels so much.
But trees have roots (thank you Mr. Quincey for biology). And those roots drill their way into water and sewer lines. I don't know exactly how long they had been drilling into the lines at mom and dad's house, but it had been awhile. The plumber tried to clear the pipe, but it was solid tree roots for 12' or more. So, a new sewer line was in order. Not what anyone, except the plumber, wanted.
And then there are the roots spreading underneath the house, breaking apart the foundation. And the roots that are toppling the fence. And raising the sidewalk to new heights.
All in all, I love trees and hate to see the stress they're under in the drought. But you can have the roots. (I realize it doesn't work that way.)

Friday, June 3, 2011


In the old days, streaking referred to something entirely different than what several viewers texted, tweeted, e-mailed and called us about the other night.
Shooting (streaking) star. At least that's what they said they saw. Abilene folks said it was northwest. Humongous shooting star!!!!!
I didn't see it, and haven't seen any pictures. But this is apparently different than the Unusual Flying Objects we've been reporting on lately. Those are more like flashing lights and flit, fly and leave. Still looking for an explanation for those.
Shooting stars are meteors entering and burning up in the atmosphere. Happen a lot. But can be pretty spectacular, especially when it's a big space rock and takes awhile to burn up.
Keep us advised.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Don't Get Mad

Thank you. That's to those of you who are making courteous phone calls to us, or appropriate comments and questions on social media. You understand that when the tv station has a problem, we are not targeting you. And we would much rather be on the air providing you your favorite programs and news, than not. We're in business to be on the air. When you punch the on button, you expect us to be there, and our plan is to be there.
Sometimes bad things happen. Like thunderstorms that knock out electricity to our transmitter and power surges that fry equipment. It is not intentional that we are unable to broadcast, as tonight 04-20-2011. We want to be on the air.
We also understand that missing your favorite show, that you've waited a week to see, is disappointing. We understand that. We have favorite shows that we hate to miss, too. I like NCIS, The Mentalist, CSI, The Amazing Race, CBS News Sunday Morning and several others including KTAB News. I am not happy when they aren't on as usual.
But life should not revolve around the tv set (except when its time for KTAB News, of course. It shouldn't revolve around the computer or cell phone either.) I understand that for some, tv is the only connection to the outside world. And for those viewers, I can take being raked over the coals.
But, for the rest. Understand that we're doing the best we can, we're all human, all equipment breaks and we really want to be there for you. Nasty messages and phone calls don't help fix things. And the person answering the phone is doing that because everyone else is trying to solve the problem. Don't take it out on the phone answerer.
I would appreciate it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why Do They Drive Like That?

We are recovering from the February Freeze. It was a long 4 days, with restricted travel, stores closed, schools closed, not to mention the cold temps and terrible driving conditions.
When I lived in the north land, we had feet of snow, but not so much ice. With snow, you can get some traction when driving. On ice, nothing. So learning to drive on snow is not very good training for driving on ice.
It is easy to slow down, keeping just enough momentum to keep moving, not do anything quickly, maybe even busting a stop sign if no traffic is coming. Basic unauthorized driving techniques.
The main thing is to keep from sliding. You simply have no control. Lower speed means if you do spin, you may not take out a telephone pole or somebody else's car.
So, if its so easy to slow down, why do some jokers pass you, either on left or right. We're all going to get to wherever we're going..... What's an extra minute or two? Slow Down.
I'm fairly certain the joker in the white car that sailed past me, spun out just ahead of me, and then took off again is not reading this. I hope he got where he needed to be, safely.
I just want my family, my friends, my co-workers, and you to not get hurt or have your car damaged.
Maybe I won't have to get on my soap box anymore this winter.
Spring is just around the corner. Then we can talk about driving on rainy streets.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Off and Running

If nobody else has mentioned it, Happy New Year. Hope things are off to a good start for you.
Most of the KTAB crew is getting back after various days and weeks off for the holidays.
What will happen in 2011? That is a question we have no answer for (contrary to the promo we're running.) We do find answers to questions, but seeing into the future does not fall under "news." We'll report it when it happens.
There is, of course, a lot of speculation. What will the Republican controlled U-S House of Representatives be able to accomplish? Will the Texas Legislature be able to plan a budget with no new taxes? Will we get an answer to "What are those flashing lights to the south of the Big Country?"
Looking ahead to what may happen in 2011 is pretty much what we all face all of the time. You never know what will happen in the next hour, minute, second. And that's the cool thing about news. We never know what stories we'll be presenting to you during our newscasts, until they happen.
Stay tuned.....