Friday, July 9, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away.....

It isn't often that folks in West Texas say enough is enough when talking about rain. But, enough may be enough. For one thing, mosquitoes. (Is that one thing, or a million?) And then the meteorologist's favorite term "Feels Like". That's when the real air temperature is 90 and the relative humidity is 99% making it "Feel Like" 170. Construction, roofers, road work, car washes..... a big impact on lots of jobs. And then there is walking the dogs where there is only mud.
But Sam says the La Nina and El Nino are about to stop and start, or start and stop. That means we're probably heading into a dry spell. That's West Texas summer afterall. So that 7" we are above normal rainfall, may quickly evaporate.
And the joy of scalping water from the Clear Fork of the Brazos River into Lake Fort Phantom Hill may come to a halt. (Phantom less than 2' below the spillway.... 90% full. When was it we were talking about the lake being nearly 6' low?) There is just never enough water (except flooding of course.)
So at least for now, enough is not enough.....

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