Thursday, December 10, 2009

Betwixt and Between

So Thanksgiving was two weeks ago. And Christmas is two weeks ahead. We're in the tweens. Recovered from all the turkey and fixin's and settling into getting ready for Christmas.
This will be the first Christmas for our grandchild, so we're looking forward to that. And most of our children are out of the "expecting lots of presents lined up under the tree" phase. We're more pratical now.
And, besides, with an expanding family base, grandchild, two daughters married, their husbands and their families, its becoming a big group. But one, big happy family so far.
The best part of this time of year, is getting to see our grown children. They may not all make it for Christmas on the same day, but its okay as long as I get to see them sometime. They all made it for Thanksgiving, altho we saved the big meal for Saturday when work would allow everyone to be here.
I wish for you the most joyous Christmas. A holiday is just like any other day, with some tinsel added. Even if family and friends are not part of the picture for you, remember, you are never really alone.

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