Friday, January 1, 2010

What Happened To '09

The years just slip by. I know I'm not really getting any older, but the time does go by quickly. What happened to 2009? Have I said this before? Memory, you know.
There were many events, large and small, which each of us will remember from '09. Some national events which get us, whether we like them or not. And some personal things which aren't always what we had planned. But for those of us with family members who live away, it makes the holidays a joyous time when they return. So, my holiday was joyous. I hope yours was too.
So what's to come in 2010? No one knows of course. We are hopeful it will be good, but all will not end well, and all problems will not be solved in the length of a television show.
I just know the KTAB news crew will keep delivering the news, KTAB will be involved in community events, and we hope to be a positive part of your lives.
Be sure and let us hear from you about events we need to cover, stories which need to be told, people who need a camera pointed at them (for good or bad reasons).
And just maybe that clock will slow down a little.

1 comment:

  1. I'm only 36 but I feel like I just woke up this age because I just had my beautiful baby girl 01/01/01, first of the new year that year and made all the local news networks. I woke up friday morning to a nine-year old little girl. When did this happen? I hope this year is better than the last and that time, like those precious moments with my children, slows down just enough that I'm sure I got all I could get from them. Happy New Year ALL!
